
Patents: Think before you file

29. mars 2022 | 09:00 – 10:00

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– how to avoid pitfalls and become attractive to business partners. In this seminar, we will emphasize on listing common pitfalls that you can easily avoid if you are aiming at securing your intellectual asset while your project or firm is in an early development phase, and before it has become profitable.

At their most basic level, patents protect your investment in IP by providing exclusionary rights. However, if not linking the need for protection to your commercial interest, you may end up with patents that do not really protect your competitive edge when you most need it.

Patenting needs a bit of strategic thinking – when to file, what to include in the application, what not to include, what should be kept a trade secret and how. How to ensure that all involved in the project act in line with what is needed from an IP strategic point of view? What do you want to achieve with your patents? Freedom to operate or avoiding competitors?

In this seminar, we will emphasize on listing common pitfalls that you can easily avoid if you are aiming at securing your intellectual asset while your project or firm is in an early development phase, and before it has become profitable. Thinking more strategically about why, how, and when to patent will also ensure more advanced patent life cycle management, and this would for sure make you more attractive to potential business partners and investors.


09:00    Welcome and introductions

09:05    Presentation by Kari Simonsen

09:30    A conversation between Kari Simonsen and Beate Rygg Johnsen

09:50    Q&As

Kari Simonsen

European Patent Attorney and Partner at Onsagers AS. Background within biochemistry/biotechnology from University of Oslo. Assist small sized, medium sized and larger companies in developing a strategy for managing their intellectual assets, identifying and handling their intellectual properties, create freedom to operate, e.g. through patenting, identifying, analysing and monitoring third parties rights etc. For many years, Kari has furthermore assisted pharmaceutical industry and their Norwegian lawyers in numerous patent litigation cases (validity and infringement cases).

Beate Rygg Johnsen

Senior advisor, Innovation at Digital Life Norway. Background in biochemistry from UiO and working with business strategy and innovation within Biotech, Parma, Start-ups and Academia. Have experience from working with patent strategy in various settings; from filing new patents to patent life cycle management. From intellectual asset management in small start-ups to “design around” patent strategies in the generic pharma industry.

This seminar is a collaboration between Onsagers and The Life Science Cluster